This is beautiful.

I’m in autumn. One of the openings I came to in Ramadan was that my own hopes of one day writing a book are much closer that I dreamed. My goal is by next Eid I can write 4 more articles and then take 3 months to re-write and expand my articles into a book, InshaAllah. It’s so exciting, Al-Humdulillah. Allah bless us in our aspirations!

I’m rooting for you!!!

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Ameen! I'm so excited for your book! I never thought the stuff we write here on substack could be expanded into a book-format. Thank you so much for the kind words. I sort of shelved my idea of having a manuscript done, because I can't find the energy to work on it but I hope I can return to it one day! I am forcing myself to take a month-long+ break from writing on substack.

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Month-long+ break?! I don't think I could stop writing for more than a week. It's quite cathartic for me LOL!

Allah bless you!

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so far, I haven't been able to stay away. I keep breaking promises of taking a break with substack. I just rewrote a piece on islamic spirituality and I'm often in the notes section wondering aloud about tipping points and genocide.

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Maybe you should reassess your promise? Perhaps you will only write what you’re drawn to and won’t put timeline pressures on yourself

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I'm at the moment the frost meets the warmth of the early spring morning, loosens its grip on the frigid landscape, and begins to seep - drip by drip - into the dead earth below.

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Wow, that’s quite an image! That’s exactly how I felt a year ago when I started writing. I felt a little dead inside and very alone (though constantly surrounded by friends and family and community) and then there was warmth that came so suddenly it was like a flash flood. lol

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Hi Sadia! I just recently joined “Together Write Now” and checked out the link you shared on the WhatsApp group (hope to virtually meet you soon, too). Your essay really resonated, as a Muslim mother and writer myself. I haven’t read the other essay you shared, but if I had to describe which season I’m in right now, I think it would be a re-birth of some kind, in which I’m finally using my agency to become the person I was always meant to be, and spark change through my words, to create the world I wish to see. As for ugly shoes, I love them! I see the beauty in the comfort they give me, and have sworn off heels for life, despite the fact that my “little” one is now a teenager. I’m looking forward to reading your previously posted essays. Enjoy your break!😊

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Nida!! I am so sorry i missed this comment until now. Your poetic readings were UNBELIEVABLE at the last session of TWN. I'm so glad to find another kindred muslim mother creative in this space. There's a lot of us out there but feeling like an alien it is very hard to find your voice and tribe. I'm so grateful my essay resonated and I hope to rewrite and edit some of my older pieces to give new life to old essays. Looking forward to reading more of your work as well. Just subscribed to you. :)

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Such a wonderful reflection, Sadia.

I'm currently in the phase of restarting my writing journey. I plan to take it step by step and stay consistent with my writing schedule. Honestly, the thought of starting anew feels both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. It can be quite vulnerable to know that your thoughts will be out there for other people to read, analyze and judge. But as creatives, we often push ourselves out of our comfort zones to get in touch with our creative side. It's a journey, but I'm excited to see where it takes me.

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I've gotten into a decent routine for writing, but there's still a backlog of ideas and half-written essays that are waiting to be moulded into complete pieces. Trying to perfect them has stunted their development; for me I guess it shows that there is no perfect moment when it all comes together neatly.

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There's no perfect moment for sure. I've embraced the imperfection of publishing first drafts on substack and then I can be a perfectionist in my writing elsewhere.. otherwise I'd never hit publish. Or I'll take an essay that was popular and work on it more offline. I've published 80 essays in a year but i have so many half-baked ideas and half-written essays in my notes. In the essay, Amanda talks about growing and resting as a writer. Just different seasons of our lives.

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May Allah preserve you and your family❤️.

To answer your question, I’m at the earliest stage of writing. Barely know what I’m doing and have no idea HOW to write and the puzzle behind what good writing is. I’m at that stage where writers look back at their writing and call it “The beginning of their journey”. In all honesty though, I haven’t reached my 20’s yet and I’m enjoying the freedom that comes with it! I just came across your page and you have become an inspiration to keep writing to get to that level!

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I am very intrigued by your Substack title and it’s wonderful to meet you in the comments Ruqiya! I started my first blog in high school and wrote my way through college, too. Back then I had 2 or 3 consistent readers, and one of them I married. 😂 Writing and learning is a lifelong habit!

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No way! What an interesting love story. May Allah preserve your marriage.

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Ameen! He still reads my work!

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A beautiful reflection, Sadia. May Allah swt make this next season easy for you, and make it a source of strength and wisdom and closeness to Him.

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JAK Noha! May you reach all your writing goals and bring more hearts together through your beautiful writing!!

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